Tag Archives: movie violence

Violence as Addiction

This time it happened closer to home, a small town we pass through from time to time. A young man shot four of his fellow students in a high school cafeteria, then himself. The shooter had been, to all appearances, a popular and well-adjusted young man.

I cannot imagine the anguish and soul searching that is occurring among families and friends. The tragedy touches anyone who was close to the shooter or the two friends who have already died or the two still in hospital, one remaining in critical condition. It will haunt the living for the rest of their lives.

No use to speculate on the motives of this particular young man. Let the families have their privacy.

Looking through my newspaper’s weekly movie guide a day or so later, however, I noticed how many of our movies are rated “R” due to violence. Is the violence we choose to call entertainment related to the increasing number of people, whether mentally ill or not, who use a gun to work out whatever is bothering them? We seem to be as addicted to violence as we are to drugs.