Tag Archives: I’m Already Sick of Election Talk

I’m Already Sick of Election Talk. Could We Change the Channel?

We already know what we need to know about most of the candidates. Why should we spend more than a year escaping attack ads, dodging phone callers and their canned spiels about candidates, and deleting massive numbers of political emails?

Perhaps we could begin a movement to ignore all news about the candidates until at least the beginning of 2016. Refuse to comment on the Internet about them. Flip the TV channel anytime a news story on the elections is broadcast. Advertisers might get the idea.

We might push to have one Extreme Tuesday in September, 2016, when all primaries are held. The parties would convene in October to choose candidates. The election would be held as usual in November.

Who knows, we might even make a dent in global warming without all that hot air.