Tag Archives: high value religions

What Is a High Value Religion?

Rodney Stark distinguishes in his book, For the Glory of God, between high value religions and low value religions. Religions, he writes, that require stringent dedication from their followers also give much of what the followers value. Low value religions require low dedication from their adherents and give less of value in return.

Of course, just because a group requires commitment doesn’t mean that it is beneficial to society. Drug gangs and terrorist networks require a great deal of commitment. Some religious groups develop loyal members while encouraging dysfunctional practices based on hatred.

The writings of Walter Brueggemann speak to me of a high commitment, high value religion, a subversive Christianity. This Christianity is a Christianity that offers an alternative to the materialistic, pleasure-seeking society that surrounds us. It preaches a prophetic message, one that brings hope, purpose, and meaning in an age that grows more meaningless all the time. It actively includes the excluded.

High commitment and high value? Jesus lived it, and it cost him his life. But as Jim Elliot, who also gave his life in service, said: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”