Never Mind Those Scenes from the Capitol . . .

The country managed to overcome the drift toward dictatorship this past election cycle, despite having only 18th century constitutional weapons.

We put up with an election cycle that takes two months to complete, based on how long it took early Americans to travel by horseback to seats of government.

A president who this time lost both the popular vote and the electoral college vote—but still tried to stay in power—was prevented from doing so even by the antiquated system of the electoral college. Despite enormous pressure from the president, enough members of his own party followed their conscience and complied with the law.

We can forever relish those last hours following the attack on the capitol, after senators and representatives had spent tense hours fearing for their lives. They still returned to the task at hand and in the wee hours finished the one remaining task. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were pronounced the next president and vice-president.

Our leaders, it appears, amazingly, are still elected by law.

Now if we could only change those laws to reflect the country as it has become.

2 thoughts on “Never Mind Those Scenes from the Capitol . . .

  1. Paul Morris

    “The future is a foreign country; they do things differently there.”
    John B. Mahaffie

    Great quote!!!

    Unfortunately that change of laws that we need is still dependent upon those who ride their horses to the meeting . . .

    1. Ann Gaylia O'Barr Post author

      We may believe in some principles which cannot be solved with laws. They require, rather, living them out and persuasion.


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