ISIS Plays to its Base, the Non-Belongers

The terrorist group known as ISIS brutally murders in digital time for all the world to see. Their actions shock most of us, but ISIS is playing to its base.

ISIS leaders know decent people will be appalled, but they are not recruiting decent people. They target the disaffected young person, the one who doesn’t belong. ISIS is similar to a youth gang, a way for members to belong and pay back the belongers by breaking their rules.

In the case of ISIS, its members work for a revolution to give them meaning and purpose, a revolution against established values. They don’t want freedom of religion or democratic elections because such practices imply that no man or woman is God, that we are all imperfect and need the input of the larger community.

ISIS prefers a state run by a few leaders who claim a divine mandate to decide issues, not one where citizens are given a choice.

The Nazi regime also spoke to its base, those Germans humiliated by their losses in World War I. Jews were a convenient scapegoat. Leaders convinced other Germans that the Jews diluted their society and kept it from reaching the heights of a world power, superior to others.

American politicians may choose to play to their base of followers as well. Political speeches today shock some for incivilities, even lies. But the speakers are not playing to those who cherish civility; they are playing to those who feel injured by the status quo, the disrespected, the non-belongers.

Until we find ways to disagree without denigrating, to take seriously the non-belongers, some will seek other ways to gain respect.

2 thoughts on “ISIS Plays to its Base, the Non-Belongers

    1. Ann Gaylia O'Barr Post author

      Yes, thanks for the Paul Krugman article. We have to get beyond the popularity contest mentality for the way we see our leaders.


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