Why go beyond the usual celebrity news or sob stories marketed as entertainment?
In the words of Charles M. Blow, a columnist for The New York Times: “But if America, as the world’s last remaining superpower, is to faithfully play a role — if we must play that role — as a check against tyranny and terror in the world, its citizenry must be up to the task of discernment.”
I started this blog a few years ago after a return from several years overseas. My lifelong interest in global affairs led me to that job, then to write a blog with an emphasis on world events. My audience is the spiritually attuned news junkie. Or the morally attuned news junkie. Those whose commitments speak to a desire to discern wise choices, not see the news as one more sitcom.
As Charles Blow said: “We have a responsibility to stay abreast of the conflicts in the world so that we can support or reject our leaders’ efforts to navigate them.”
O.K., A-G, I guess I will have to start watching the news again, bad as it has been lately! Sometimes I just have to take a break from it, “spiritually and morally attuned” or not.
I certainly can’t be against taking a break now and then!
Also, I think we have to be selective. There’s so much out there. I tend to go more for the analytical stuff.