What Do We Do With Our Soul Issues?

When I worked as an American consular officer in other countries, our most difficult cases dealt with child custody issues, that is, with the children of divorced American/non-American marriages. In one case, the father, divorced from the American mother, refused to let her visit their child. He told me that the mother’s influence could result in his child’s spending eternity in hell.

Faith issues can cause conflict because they often deal with what are regarded as life or death issues—including eternal life and death. Extremist organizations like ISIS believe it is their duty to force their perception of religion on all in order to, in their minds, save society.

Reactions to such attitudes can lead some to an opposite extreme: disavowal of all religion. Religion is bad, they say, and results in fighting and warped views. Yet, faith also leads some individuals to dedicate their lives to helping others—to fight inhumane prison systems, for example, or to work with Ebola victims, or to advocate decent working conditions for laborers.

If we truly believe in God, it is rather foolish to take on the role of God ourselves. If we believe in a God of power, we witness to our beliefs, but trust God to handle the results.



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