Tag Archives: Recent Batting Average for Church in America

Recent Batting Average for the Church in America

I find myself with sympathy for any new American member to our current group of Christian believers. One can only say that it surely is the attraction of Jesus that overcomes our sometimes less than loving presentation of the good news he brought and lived for us.

For a sober view of the Christian church in the United States in the last few years, listen to The New York Times columnist David Brooks:

“We religious people talk about virtue so much you’d think we’d behave better than nonreligious people. But that’s not been my experience. Over the past decade, especially in the American church, I’ve seen religious people behaving more dishonestly, and in some ways being more tolerant of sexual abuse. I sometimes joke that entering the church in 2013 was like investing in the stock market in 1929. My timing could have been better.” (David Brooks, “The Shock of Faith: It’s Nothing Like I thought It Would Be,” The New York Times, December 19, 2004.)

Of course, our failings are not new. People calling themselves Christians have at times fought wars against each other, cast each other out of the church, and even tortured and burned fellow Christians at the stake because their theology was different from that of other Christians with political power.

Perhaps it’s helpful to remember, however, that plenty of Christians have indeed followed the Jesus way and ministered to the hungry, thirsty, lonely, imprisoned, unclothed, and those in need of good news. (Matthew 25)

I don’t think any civilization has, despite failings of Christians, come as far as nations when the gospel has been accepted by enough people practicing its teachings. We have what I would call an influential faith. I don’t think there is any such thing as a “Christian” nation. Worshiping political power is setting up a god other than Jesus. We can, however, manage to influence in ways that overcome the normal self-seeking ways of most earthly politics.

It is, after all, a call to earthly service, not to earthly power.

So, yes, there’s always room for one more sinner saved by grace.