Tag Archives: Peter Hitchens

Taking Atheists Seriously


When what we cherish is threatened, we often react with anger and hatred. Yet God commands us to love even our enemies. Surely, then, our love extends to those atheists who have caught the recent attention of established Christianity.

After the death of Christopher Hitchens, a well-known atheist, some Christians celebrated his passing like others did the death of Osama bin Laden. Such an attitude not only is counter to the teachings of Jesus but appears to spring from insecurity in their own beliefs.

Some unbelievers profess honest difficulty with Christian claims. Do we want them to pretend to believe what they cannot? Perhaps God is less troubled by an honest nonbeliever than by one who claims he is a believer and denies Christ by his actions. In fact, one reason for unbelief is the hatred expressed by some who call themselves Christians.

Jesus welcomed the questioning Nicodemus to his lodging for a discussion. Jesus answered his questions frankly, but he did not belittle Nicodemus or his questions.

Those Christians among us must realize that religious wars, intolerance, and vituperative comments serve to distance unbelievers from any true understanding of Jesus. Do our attitudes spring from a fear that we will be led down that dark alley of unbelief? Perhaps we should admit our fears to God and trust him for enlightenment and help in the resolution of our insecurity, rather than react in hateful attacks on unbelievers.

A thoughtful column ponders Hitchens from a more Christian perspective.

Here’s another, written by Peter Hitchens, Christopher’s brother, a Christian.