Tag Archives: peace of Jerusalem

Peace in Jerusalem


One Christmas season years ago, I cut an article from a newspaper. The article bemoaned the lack of peace in Bethlehem, the place where the Prince of Peace was born, whose birthday we Christians celebrate during this season of advent.

Today, peace in Bethlehem and Jerusalem and Gaza and Hebron appears as elusive as ever. Only the very old can remember a time when Israelis and Palestinians were not at odds. A recent truce between Israel and Hamas in Gaza brought yet another lull in a long series of halts that never seem to last. Hopelessness tempts us. Two ancient peoples trace roots to the same bit of land. Each can point to atrocities committed against them.

Diplomacy may bring halts to the violence, not a small thing. Diplomacy seeks a negotiated settlement, not a small thing, either, but in this land, all the wrongs can never be righted.

Christians, of all people, should practice hope, especially at this season, because this season brings the answer. The answer is forgiveness.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and pray for forgiveness that can erase the hurts between two peoples and cause them to live together in harmony.