Tag Archives: different political candidates

Hey, I Got to Vote! (And other blessings)

In so many places in the world, one is not able even to vote. In others, a strong man (rarely a woman) is able to manipulate the process so that he’s going to win no matter what the people really want.

I start, then, with thankfulness for the blessing of a still free voting process. I’m thankful I was able to cast my ballot in the presidential election and was able to check that it safely reached the ballot box and was counted.

I’m thankful for my family and how we care for each other. I’m thankful for parents who loved and respected each other, their love more important than their votes for different political candidates.

I’m thankful for my church and for freedom of religion, protected even in a more varied religious landscape than when the Constitution and its founding amendments were adopted.

I’m thankful for those political leaders many decades ago who began public programs that saved the homes of many during the Great Depression, including the home I grew up in.

I’m thankful for those who are concerned for the ones on the bottom rungs of our society, many of these saints spending their lives finding better ways to care for the destitute and powerless.

I’m thankful for books and ideas and spiritual growth, as well as simple joy in reading. I’m thankful for the long ago leaders who helped us develop public schools and college scholarships, one of which benefitted me.

I’m thankful for our immigrants who refresh an aging society.

Lord, please lead us in holding both our faults and our virtues in the proper place.