Tag Archives: silent majority

Representative Government: a Dangerous Experiment

Representative government is a balancing act between our sense of responsibility and our selfish natures. This is as true of the often silent majority as it is of the elites.

When times are good, the majority are content to let the minority—the elites—run things. They are more interested in their individual lives than in what elites are doing with the country.

When times are bad, the majority rebel.

When the elites have power, they must understand that they act for all, not for themselves alone. Else, the majority may decide to throw elites out of office, the wise and the unwise, the corrupted and the dedicated.

During those times when the majority choose to reign in the elites, they must temper their anger with a grain of calm reflection. It is easy to vote angrily on one or two issues. Better to explore more deeply. Elections aren’t about  our emotions. They are about our responsibility to elect wise leaders, a responsibility many in this world do not have.